Extensions to BPMN

Spec Page Spec Rule Text


New markers or indicators MAY be added to the specified graphical elements. These markers or indicators could be used to highlight a specific attribute of a BPMN element or to represent a new subtype of the corresponding concept.


A new shape representing a kind of Artifact may be added to a Diagram, but the new Artifact shape SHALL NOT conflict with the shape specified for any other BPMN element or marker.


Graphical elements may be colored, and the coloring may have specified semantics that extend the information conveyed by the element as specified in this standard.


The line style of a graphical element may be changed, but that change SHALL NOT conflict with any other line style required by this specification.


An extension SHALL NOT change the specified shape of a defined graphical element or marker. (e.g., changing a square into a triangle, or changing rounded corners into squared corners, etc.).