
The Home ribbon contains a variety of actions related to creating the case plan. Some actions may be unavailable or grayed out depending on the model elements currently selected.

home ribbon


Actions are:

  • Undo/Redo

  • Cut/Copy/Paste

  • Shape Delete/Fill/Line

  • Font properties

  • Arrange Align/Bring Forward/Send Backward/Same Size/Group

  • Spacer Horizontal/Vertical

  • Select All/None

  • Attach

  • Model Details

  • Feedback

Shape Delete/Fill/Line

These actions let you delete or color elements in the diagram.


Font actions control the text properties of selected diagram elements.


Arrange actions let you align diagram shapes horizontally or vertically, control the order of overlapping shapes, group selected shapes, or make selected shapes the same size, as described here.


Spacer actions let you expand or contract space in the diagram, as described here.

Select All/None

These actions allow quick selection/deselection of diagram elements.


The Attach action lets you add attachments to the selected diagram element’s Details panel.