Multi Service Container

Multi Service Container subscription required.

Build container

From a selection of services, you have the option to build a Multi Service Container with the selected services.

Click the Build button in the bottom action bar to open the build container dialog.

build container

Build container dialog


The name of the image to build. The container registry need to be accessible from the Digital Enterprise Suite.


Select an identity for the container registry.

Once image field is valid, identity options are enabled.

There are two global option to select the services versions included in the container.


All versions of the services are added to the container.


Only the latest version of the services is added to the container.

It is also possible to select a specific version for each service using the drop down to the right of each service.

If more control is required over building a Multi Service Container, please refer to the Public API documentation for the resource /container/multiple (/publicapi/doc).