In the modeler, one shape is available to represent data.

A case file item exists at the case level. When a case instance is running, case file items are available and can be updated by a user or through actions taken.
Case file item can be used to set an input or an output at the case or stage level but cannot be set itself as an input or an output.

Case file item has attributes that can be set through the modeler:
Case file item definition allows to determine the definition type associated to the case file item.
Data type: as in DMN or BPMN, a data type is associated to the case file item. It can be simple type or complex type.
Authorized roles: allow to configure some restrictions to update and/or use a case file item. If not write nor read are set, it means no restriction is set and by so, everybody having access to a case instance can read/write a case file item. Restrictions are set through access given to a case file item.