
A datatype can be a simple type, a structured type or a collection of items of the same type. FEEL defines a number of simple base types, and in the Trisotech platform, collections of these are also considered built-in types.

FEEL Built-In Types


An ordered sequence of Unicode characters.


A numeric value. There is no difference between integer and floating point, a single type represents both.


A true or false value.

Days and time duration

A duration expressed using a number of days, hours, minutes and seconds.

Years and months duration

A duration expressed using years and months.

Date and time

A date and time value that can be expressed using an optional offset from the Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).


A date value.


A time value.


A structured data type that represents unstructured data as a file. The file data type has the following attributes: name, extension, created, modified, size, type, author, url. Note that this is not a FEEL defined type.


A structured data type that represents unstructured data as a folder. Available only in Case Modeler. The folder data type has the following attributes: name, created, author, files, folders. Note that this is not a FEEL defined type.


Represents any structured data type in an abstract manner.

Collection of Text

Collection of text items.

Collection of Number

Collection of number items.

Collection of Boolean

Collection of boolean items.

Collection of Days and time duration

Collection of days and time duration items.

Collection of Years and months duration

Collection of years and months items.

Collection of Date and time

Collection of date and time items.

Collection of Date

Collection of date items.

Collection of Time

Collection of time items.

Collection of File

Collection of file items. Note that this is not a FEEL defined type.

Base Type Examples



Expression → Value

String (Text)

text enclosed in quotes or italicized

“Trisotech” or Trisotech → Trisotech


two possible values true or false.

1=1 → true, 1=0 → false


numerical value.

sqrt(4) → 2


YYYY-MM-DD format written in bold italic or as a function parameter string.

2017-11-27 or date(“2017-11-27”) → November 27, 2017


HH:MM:SS format written in bold italic or as a function parameter string.

09:12:00 or time(“09:12:00”) → 9:12 am local time

Date and Time

YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS format written in bold italic or as a function parameter string

2017-11-27T09:12:00 or date and time(“2017-11-27T09:12:00”) → 9:12 am local time, November 27, 2017


P[n]Y[n]M[n]DT[n]H[n]M[n]S format where [n] is a number written in bold italic or as a function parameter string.

duration(“PT15M”) → 15 minutes duration; duration(“P3M1D”) → 3 months, 1 day duration


missing or invalid value

sqrt(“x”) → null

User-Defined Types

In addition, users can define custom types called item definitions, which include:

  • Built-in types with constraints

  • Structured types including components. A component may be a simple type, a collection, or another structured type.

  • Collections of any defined type

The item definitions available in the model are listed in the DMN ribbon, under Data Types.