PMML Automation subscription required.

The Include function allows you to include PMML models to your current model. Like this you will be able to reuse decisions, input data, …​ from those included models.

Using the "PMML" function in the "DMN" ribbon

  1. Navigate to the "PMML" panel and click on the button.

    pmml 1

  2. The the following modal will appear and click on the "Add" button.

    pmml 2

  3. Then you can browse into your places to find a PMML model to include and click on the "Select" button.

    pmml 3

    if you don’t have any PMML model in your places you can upload one by clicking on the "Upload" button (see the picture below):

    pmml 4

    and then select the file

    pmml 5

  4. The newly included PMML model will appear now in your list.

    pmml 6

Managing included PMML models

  1. If you click on the Edit button you will be able to rename the PMML model:

    pmml 7

  2. If you click on the Delete button you will be able to delete the PMML model from the current one:

    pmml 8

  3. The Open button allows you to navigate in the include model:

    pmml 9

    Then the following modal will appear

    pmml 10

How to use/assign a PMML model with a Business Knowledge Model ?

  1. First navigate to you selected Business Knowledge Model.

  2. Then right click on it and select "Decision logic" under the attributes panel (see the picture below):

    pmml 11

  3. When the logic is displayed click on the language dropdown and select "Operation":

    pmml 12

    pmml 13

  4. After you have to navigate to the "Interface" field and select one inside the list:

    pmml 14

  5. At the end you will see the function parameters being updated by those coming from your selected operation:

    pmml 15