
The Home ribbon contains a variety of actions related to creating DRDs and boxed expressions. Some actions may be unavailable or grayed out depending on whether it is a DRD page or decision logic page, and which model elements are currently selected.

Decision Logic Page

home ribbon logicpage

Actions on a decision logic page are:

  • Undo/Redo

  • Cut/Copy/Paste

  • Decision Logic: Transform/Delete

  • Cell: Duplicate Row/Cut/Copy/Transform/Insert/Delete

  • Decision Table: Merge/Unmerge

  • View: Standard/Edit/Filter

  • Model Details

  • Feedback

DRD Page

home ribbon drdpage

Actions on a DRD page are:

  • Undo/Redo

  • Cut/Copy/Paste

  • Shape Delete/Fill/Line

  • Font properties

  • Arrange Align/Bring Forward/Send Backward/Same Size/Group

  • Spacer Horizontal/Vertical

  • Select All/None

  • Attach

  • Model Details

  • Feedback

Decision Logic Page Actions

Decision Logic Transform/Delete

The Transform action converts any entered logic to a different boxed expression type. The list of available target types depends on the original boxed expression type.

The Delete option of the Delete action clears all entered decision logic, including the selected boxed expression type. The Clear option erases all entered decision logic but retains the original boxed expression type.

Cell Duplicate Row/Copy/Insert/Delete

These actions operate on selected rules or input and output columns of a decision table.

Decision Table Merge

These actions operate on a decision table or selected columns or cells of a decision table. Merge Similar Cells will merge vertically adjacent input entries if they have the same decision logic. Unmerge All unmerges all input entries in the decision table.

Technically, a merged cell should not have unmerged cells to its left. To implement this constraint, first Unmerge All, then select cells to merge and click the popup Merge action.

View Standard/Edit/Filter

The Stadard view displays the boxed expression strictly as pictured in the DMN spec. In this view the logic is not editable.

The Edit view includes a few additional features in the display, and the logic is editable. Normally you will work in the Edit view.

Filter displays only rules in a decision table containing names or values specified in the filter.

Model Details

Model Details displays the Details panel, discussed here.


Feedback allows you to send a message to tech support, including the current model and optional attachements.

DRD Page Actions

Shape Delete/Fill/Line

These actions let you delete or color elements in the DRD.


Font actions control the text properties of selected DRD elements.


Arrange actions let you align DRD shapes horizontally or vertically, control the order of overlapping shapes, group selected shapes, or make selected shapes the same size, as described here.


Spacer actions let you expand or contract space in the DRD, as described here.

Select All/None

These actions allow quick selection/deselection of DRD elements.


The Attach action lets you add attachments to the selected DRD element’s Details panel.