
Single Service Container subscription required.

Content-Type: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json

HTTP-Methods: GET

This endpoint implements the Docker Registry HTTP API v2.

Pulling the image

To use this endpoint, you should use a standard Docker client and pull the image with the following command:

docker image pull <image name>

Please note that the Download right is required on the execution environment to be allowed to pull the image. Execution environment rights are controlled by the administrator.

Creating a container from the pulled image

Once pulled, the image can then be started in a container using the standard docker command:

docker run -d -p <PORT>:8181 --name <container-name> --restart unless-stopped <image-name>

In this command replace:


HTTP port to expose the service on


The name <container-name> is optional and will only help to find the created container after it was started. Use a significant name for your container.

Accessing the service

Once the container started, the service will be accessible at http:localhost:<PORT>. Accessing this endpoint directs you to the Service Library with your service available and ready to be consumed using either of the Service Library endpoints.

Note that by default, there is no security enabled on the container.


To pull images, a one-time login is required. The docker client typically will then cache the credentials for future uses. This can be done using the docker command:

docker login <>

Replace <> with the name of your instance omitting the "https://" at the beginning.

The login credentials need to be derived from a Client App bearer token:

Username: bearer

Password: <bearer token with Docker Read Grant>

To create a Client App bearer token, refer to the Security section and create a Client App with at least the Docker Read Grant.

Kubernetes template

In the "Advanced options" of the Service Library you can download Kubernetes template for a specific artefact. To do that just navigate and click on the link Download Kubernates template.

The default template can be edited in the Digital Enterprise Server Admin in the container section.