Data Mapping
Data Mapping applies only to executable process models. Each mapping is a data transformation between process variables (data objects, data inputs, data outputs, and datastores) and task variables, the inputs and outputs defined by each task or event type. The data association connectors linking a process variable to a task represent those input and output mappings. Data mapping is available for all task types and event shapes in executable models.
There are a variety of ways to access data mapping, including the Attributes/Data Mapping… context menu action for the shape, or via a Data Mapping button in the configuration dialog for the specific element type.

The data mapping dialog provides a tab for Input Mapping, from a process variable to a task or event input variable, and one for Output mapping, from the task or event output variable to process variables.

The names of the available process variables are determined by data associations drawn in the process diagram. Typically the names of the task or event variables are defined by the task or event, although for some they are defined by the mapping dialog. For more details, see Data Input Mapping and Data Output Mapping.