Context Menus

Context menus are lists of actions that pop up when you right-click a model element. The available list items depend on the model element. Most of them are self-explanatory.

Context Menu on DRD Page

Right-clicking white space in a DRD allows you to Paste from the clipboard or view the Details panel for the DRD.

Input Data

Actions on the context menu for an input data element include:

  • Details: View the Details panel for the element.

  • Change Shape: Change from input data to a different DRD shape.

  • Attributes/Input Data Type: Assign the datatype

  • Attributes/Data Store Binding: Link the input data to a cloud datastore, as described here.

  • Attributes/Identifier: Create the identifier used in documentation, as described here.

  • Hide: Hide the shape in the DRD. Supported elements will display three dots to indicate a hidden requirement.

  • Label Position: Reset to default position.

  • Cut/Copy/Paste/Delete


Actions on the context menu for a decision or BKM element include those for input data, plus the following:

  • Attributes/Decision Logic: Define the decision logic on a new model page.

  • Attributes/Question and Answers: Open the Question and Answers panel, as described here.

  • Attributes/Impacted Performance Indicators: Select performance indicators impacted by the element.

  • Attributes/Decision Makers and Owners: Select users acting as decision makers and owners.

  • Create/Update Data Type: Generate the type from a structured value.

  • Create Decision Service: Opens Decision Service Wizard and adds a service with the selected decision as the output.

Knowledge Source

Actions on the context menu for a Knowledge Source also include:

  • Owner/Type/Location: This will open a window where you will be able to define the Owner/Type/Location of the Knowledge Source shape.

owner type location 2

Context Menu on Decision Logic Page

Literal Expression

Actions on a literal expression include:

  • Clear: erase entered decision logic

  • Output Data Type: assign the type

  • Description visible: toggles a user-entered annotation describing the logic

Decision Table

Actions on the decision table as a whole include the above, plus:

  • Cut/Copy/Paste

  • Create/Update Output Data Type: based on the output values

Actions on a selected decision rule also include:

  • Insert Row Above/Below

  • Delete Row

  • Duplicate Row

Actions on a selected column include:

  • Insert Column to the left

  • Insert Column to the right

  • Delete Column

Context, Invocation, Relation

Actions on a selected row are the same as those for a selected decision rule in a decision table.