Shared Data Modeler

The Shared Data Modeler is a web application to represent and to share data models within an organization or across different systems. This is a tool designed to facilitate the creation, visualization, and management of shared data models using a standardized notation SDMN or Shared Data Model and Notation. Data can be shared between different tools such as Workflow Modeler, Decision Modeler, Case Modeler and Knowledge Entity Modeler.
The Shared Data Modeler allows users to:
Create a model and define data models using a visual interface, allowing users to specifies data items with their relationships, attributes and data types.
Create a model and describe on the diagram the data types (item definitions) which are represented with boxes of two or more sections.
Vizualize complex structure of data types, expand its components and work on it directly from the diagram.
Generate a Documentation of the data models, including descriptions and data types.
Import and export your diagrams without loss of data into various file formats, notably the SDMN standard and Image formats.
And much more.
The following figure provides an example of how a SDMN Data Item Diagram could look with Data Items. It is based on a sample use case named “Hello Patient”, which is a visit to a doctor’s office :

The following next figure provides an example of representation of complex data types on the Diagram :