Requirement Panel

The Requirement panel presents the requirements of the currently selected element.

Using the "Requirement panel" tab

Click on the Requirement icon to open the right side panel.

This will open the "Requirement" panel from where you will be able to navigate in the required elements for the selected element, you can also drag and drop them from it to the diagram.

All elements are sorted alphabetically.

requirement panel 2

A requirement colored in red as it showed in the picture below, means that the requirement link is invalid. So you have to check and change the link type of this element.

requirement panel 3

If you wanna delete a requirement, you have to navigate over it and click on the delete icon (see the picture below):

requirement panel 4

To create a requirement , navigate to the bottom of the side panel and enter the name of the requirement you wanna create in the input field:

requirement panel 5