Text manipulation library
contains(string, match)
does the string contain the match?
Name | Required | Type | Description |
string |
Yes |
Text |
match |
Yes |
Text |
Boolean |
contains("Trisotech", "iso") => true
contains("DMN", "Errors") => false
ends with(string, match)
does the string end with the match?
Name | Required | Type | Description |
string |
Yes |
Text |
match |
Yes |
Text |
Boolean |
ends with("Trisotech DMN", "Trisotech") => false
ends with("Trisotech DMN", "DMN") => true
lower case(string)
returns a lowercased string
Name | Required | Type | Description |
string |
Yes |
Text |
Text |
lower case("Trisotech DMN") => "trisotech dmn"
lower case("TriSoTech_DMN") => "trisotech_dmn"
matches(input, pattern, [flags])
does the input match the regex pattern?
Name | Required | Type | Description |
input |
Yes |
Text |
pattern |
Yes |
Text |
flags |
No |
Text |
Boolean |
matches("gray","gr[ae]y") => true
matches("grey", "gr[ae]y") => true
matches("foobar", "^fo*B", "i") => true
replace(input, pattern, replacement, [flags])
regular expression pattern matching and replacement
Name | Required | Type | Description |
input |
Yes |
Text |
pattern |
Yes |
Text |
replacement |
Yes |
Text |
flags |
No |
Text |
Text |
replace("Trisotech DMN", "DMN","BPMN") => "Trisotech BPMN"
replace("DMN", "D", "BP", "i") => "BPMN"
replace("Trisotech", "t", "B") => "Brisobech"
split(string, delimiter, [flags])
tokenize a string by separating it using the delimiter character.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
string |
Yes |
Text |
delimiter |
Yes |
Text |
flags |
No |
Text |
Collection of Text |
split("Trisotech_DMN", "_") => ["Trisotech", "DMN"]
split("DMN BPMN CMMN", "M") => ["D", "N BP", "N C", "", "N"]
starts with(string, match)
does the string start with the match?
Name | Required | Type | Description |
string |
Yes |
Text |
match |
Yes |
Text |
Boolean |
starts with("Trisotech DMN", "Trisotech") => true
starts with("Trisotech DMN", "DMN") => false
convert from to a string
Name | Required | Type | Description |
from |
Yes |
non-null |
Text |
string(35.6) => "35.6"
string(null) => null
string(mask, p)
returns the formatted string by given mask and p arguments. Note that this function is not yet a standardized FEEL function.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
mask |
Yes |
Text |
p |
Yes |
Text |
Text |
string("Trisotech %s", "DMN") => Trisotech DMN
string("Trisotech %s and %s and %s", "BPMN", "DMN", "CMMN") => Trisotech BPMN and DMN and CMMN
string join(list, [delimiter])
return a string which is composed by joining all the string elements from the list parameter, separated by the delimiter.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
list |
Yes |
list |
delimiter |
No |
Text |
Text |
string join(["BPMN", "DMN", "CMMN"], "_and_") => "BPMN_and_DMN_and_CMMN"
string join(["a", "b", "c"], null) => "abc"
string join([], "X") => ""
string join(["Tri", "so", "tech"]) => "Trisotech"
string join(["Trisotech", null, " DMN"]) => "Trisotech DMN"
string length(string)
returns length of string
Name | Required | Type | Description |
string |
Yes |
Text |
Number |
string length("Trisotech DMN") => 13
string length("DMN") => 3
substring(string, start position, [length])
returns length (or all) characters in string, starting at start position. First position is 1, last position is -1
Name | Required | Type | Description |
string |
Yes |
Text |
start position |
Yes |
Number |
length |
No |
Number |
Text |
substring("Trisotech DMN", 11) => "DMN"
substring("Trisotech DMN", 6, 4) => "tech"
substring("Trisotech DMN", -11, -3) => "iso"
substring after(string, match)
returns the substring of string after the match in the string
Name | Required | Type | Description |
string |
Yes |
Text |
match |
Yes |
Text |
Text |
substring after("Trisotech DMN", "Trisotech ") => "DMN"
substring after("Trisotech DMN", "abc") => ""