Functions to encode and decode or convert from a format to another one
create meeting(start, end, to, from, subject, [body], [location], [responses])
Create a .ics file containing a meeting invite
Name | Required | Type | Description |
start |
Yes |
Date and time |
Start date and time |
end |
Yes |
Date and time |
End date and time |
to |
Yes |
Collection of Text |
Other attendees' email address |
from |
Yes |
Text |
Meeting organiser email address |
subject |
Yes |
Text |
Title of the meeting |
body |
No |
Text |
Description of the meeting |
location |
No |
Text |
Meeting’s location |
responses |
No |
Boolean |
True to recieve responses from the attendees by email. Default : false |
File |
decode Base64(string, [encoding])
Base64 decode (both classic and URL encoding flavors) considering an optional character set encoding (defaults to UTF-8)
Name | Required | Type | Description |
string |
Yes |
Text |
Base64 encoded data |
encoding |
No |
Text |
Encoding Character Set ('UTF-8', 'ISO_8859_1', …) |
Text |
utility.decode Base64("aGVsbG8=") => "hello"
decode JSON(string)
JSON decode function. Convert string to object
Name | Required | Type | Description |
string |
Yes |
Text |
Data as string |
Any |
utility.decode JSON("{\"name\":\"John\"}") => "{\"name\":\"John\"}"
encode Base64(data, [encoding])
Encode the data parameter using the Base64 encoding and the optional character encoding (defaults to UTF-8)
Name | Required | Type | Description |
data |
Yes |
Text |
Object |
encoding |
No |
Text |
Encoding Character Set ('UTF-8', 'ISO_8859_1', …) |
Text |
utility.encode Base64("hello") => "aGVsbG8="
encode Base64URL(data, [encoding])
Encode the data parameter using the Base64 URL encoding and the optional character encoding (defaults to UTF-8)
Name | Required | Type | Description |
data |
Yes |
Text |
Object |
encoding |
No |
Text |
Encoding Character Set ('UTF-8', 'ISO_8859_1', …) |
Text |
utility.encode Base64URL("hello") => "aGVsbG8="
encode JSON(data)
JSON encode function. Convert Object/JSON to string
Name | Required | Type | Description |
data |
Yes |
Any |
String |
Text |
utility.encode JSON({"name":"John"}) => "\"{\"name\":\"John\"}\""
filter null values(obj)
Remove null values from collections and context entries with null values recursively. Supports Any input type.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
obj |
Yes |
Any |
remove nulls from this |
Any |
utility.filter null values("{\"name\":\"John\", \"value\": null}") => "{\"name\":\"John\"}" utility.filter null values([1, null, 2]) => "[1, 2]"
from epoch(timestamp)
Epoch function convert timestamp to date and time, timestamp is expressed in milliseconds and date and time is set to UTC
Name | Required | Type | Description |
timestamp |
Yes |
Number |
Timestamp expressed in milliseconds |
Date and time |
utility.from epoch(1511567100000) => "2017-11-24T23:45:00+00:00"
parse HTML(html)
Parse the HTML content and extract only the textual portion of the document.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
html |
Yes |
Text |
HTML document in string format |
Text |
to epoch(dateTime)
Epoch function convert date and time to timestamp, timestamp is expressed in milliseconds. If date and time is not localized, it will be set to UTC
Name | Required | Type | Description |
dateTime |
Yes |
Date and time |
Date and time |
Number |
utility.to epoch(date and time(2017-11-24, 23:45:00)) => "1511567100000"
uri(scheme, host, [path], [parameters], [fragment])
Returns a properly encoded URI based on the passed scheme, host, path, parameters and fragment
Name | Required | Type | Description |
scheme |
Yes |
Text |
Refers to a specification for assigning identifiers |
host |
Yes |
Text |
Address of the server |
path |
No |
Text | Collection of Text |
Path to the resource |
parameters |
No |
Any |
Context |
fragment |
No |
Text |
Fragment |
Text |
utility.uri("https", "www.trisotech.com") => "https://www.trisotech.com" utility.uri("https", "www.trisotech.com", "/path", {k: "value"}, "frag") => "https://www.trisotech.com/path?k=value#frag" utility.uri("https", "www.trisotech.com", ["path1", "path2"]) => "https://www.trisotech.com/path1/path2"
validate XSD(XSD, XML)
XSD validation of XML content against an XSD schema. Returns a collection of errors to indicate if errors were collected while validating content.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
Yes |
Text |
XSD schema against which content will be validated |
Yes |
Text |
XML content which will be validated against XSD schema |
Collection of Text |